》》黏多醣患者重然希望 大陆小甜甜来台检测
》》大陆、印尼黏宝宝 来台寻生机
》》(Video)奔走25年 马偕医院林炫沛 为罕病找生机
出生时,甚至产前阶段即已发生的疾病,在新生儿的出现率达 2~5% 。 先天性疾病的发生大多与基因或染色体的缺失有关,约占所有病因的百分之六、七十。 其余的三分之一则为原因不明。 主要分为染色体疾病、先天性异常 ( 畸形 ) 、先天性代谢异常及罕见疾病等。 ★容易发先天性疾病的人群 *有家族病史或近亲结婚者,应于婚前或产前阶段接受检测。 *新生儿及婴幼儿接受医生例行检查,发现有不明原因的异常或智能发展迟缓时,应及早就医进行详细的评估与诊治。 ★检查流程 门诊检查 : 1. 遗传专科医生咨询评估。 2. 抽血 ( 包括染色体检查、特殊生化学分析及基因检查等 ) 。 3. 超声波、计算机断层扫描( CT )及 核磁共振 成像 等精密检查。 4. 跨科团队会诊:按照病情需要,安排各相关次专科医生会诊。 5. 安排必要的产前检查(高解像度超声波检查、羊水检验分析等)。 ★马偕先天性疾病医疗团队: 专科医生、咨询员、护理人员、技术员、营养师、心理医生、心理治疗师、专业复健治疗师及社工人员 ★常见先天性疾病的种类、症状及疗育 天性疾病有上万种,以下为常见种类的说明:
Mackay Memorial Hospital 's special team for congenital disease has wonderful achievements and won good reputation in Asia . We not only provide early diagnosis and treatment for patients with congenital diseases but also put great efforts in the prevention of the disease. We are working hard to make more breakthroughs to help people in need.

You contact us via (mmhimsc@ms2.mmh.org.tw) for the detail of treatment or Make Appointment at our official site.
★What is congenital disease? • Disease occurs at birth or even before birth. The incidence is 2~5% in newborn. • The percentage of congenital disease related to genetic or chromosome defects was 60~70%. • The other 30% of etiology was unknown. • Can be categorized into chromosome disorders, congenital anomalies (malformations), inherited metabolic disorders and rare diseases.
★The group at risk of congenital disease
• People who have positive family history or consanguineous marriages should be examined in premarital or prenatal period. • Newborns or infants who were found to have unexplained developmental delay or mental retardation should be evaluated as soon as possible.
★Examination process
Out-patient examination: • Thorough assessment by genetics specialists. • Blood exam, including chromosome analysis, specific biochemical analyses and molecular studies, etc.. • Image studies, including ultrasound, computed tomography and magnetic resonance examination, etc. • Interdisciplinary team consultation: The arrangement will be planned in accordance with the patient's condition for relevant sub-specialist consultations. • Arrangements for necessary prenatal examinations, including high-resolution ultrasound examination, maternal serum screening, amniocentesis for special tests, etc.).
★Mackay Memorial Hospital 's special team for congenital disease
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